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Make Up


Make Up Policy:

  • Summative projects turned in on time are eligible for re-submission if the student earned less than an 80% and has come in for studio hours for the project in question.  However, the maximum re-submission grade allowed will be 80%.  Re-submission will NOT be accepted after 5 days of the original grade given, even if the student has come in for studio hours.

  • Formative assessments are not eligible for resubmission

  • If students are absent, it is their responsibility to make up missed time spent on their project.  The class will move forward as planned.  Studio hours are available by appointment only.   **I understand that students have individual needs and availability, so I will try to work with you as best I can so that you can get any extra help or studio time you need.

  • If students are absent the day a project is due, they must turn it in the first day back to class.

  • Unexcused late work will be penalized in three ways:

1. This work will not be eligible for resubmission

2. Late points will be deducted 5pts. per day late

3. Late work will not be accepted after 7 days late




M = Unexcused Missing Work


1. Student was present the day an assignment was due and did not turn in


2. Student has an unexcused absence


0 = Permanent Grade


1. A missing grade finalized as a 0 after 7 days

Empty Grade = Excused Missing Work


1. Student was absent the day an assignment was due


*an empty grade will turn into an ‘M’ if the assignment is not turned in once the student returns to class

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